Top Of The Week

Do I Need Insurance for My Electronics? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to protecting your electronic devices, it's important to consider all of your options. Most phones,...

Insuring High-Value Items of Personal Property: What You Need to Know

When it comes to protecting your valuable items, it's essential to make sure you have the right coverage. A floating...

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover a Dry Well?

Generally, your home insurance will only provide coverage for a well that is drying up if the fault or damage to the well ...

What is an Endorsement for Home Insurance? - A Comprehensive Guide

An insurance endorsement, also known as an additional clause, is a change in your insurance policy that adjusts your...

What Types of Natural Disasters are Not Covered by Home Insurance Policies?

When it comes to natural disasters, homeowners insurance policies can provide coverage for a wide range of events....

Do I Need to Buy Additional Coverage for Sewer Backup Damage on My Home Insurance Policy?

Homeowners insurance policies usually exclude damage caused by a buildup of wastewater. This means that any destruction...

Editors Picks

How to Save Money on Home Insurance Premiums

How to Save Money on Home Insurance Premiums

Don't let the cost of your home mislead you from the cost of rebuilding it. You can save money on home insurance premiums ...

What is an Additional Insured on a Homeowners Policy?

What is an Additional Insured on a Homeowners Policy?

An additional insured endorsement is a form of additional liability coverage that provides protection to people who are...

What is a Home Insurance Deductible? A Comprehensive Guide

What is a Home Insurance Deductible? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to protecting your home, understanding the ins and outs of home insurance is essential. One of the most...

What is an Insurance Policy Endorsement and How Can It Help Your Business?

What is an Insurance Policy Endorsement and How Can It Help Your Business?

An insurance endorsement (or additional clause) is an amendment or addition to an existing insurance contract that...

What Exclusions are in an Insurance Contract and Why Do Insurers Omit Them?

What Exclusions are in an Insurance Contract and Why Do Insurers Omit Them?

An exclusion is a provision of an insurance policy that eliminates coverage for certain acts, property, types of damage,...

Do I Need to Purchase Additional Coverage for My Antiques on My Home Insurance Policy?

Do I Need to Purchase Additional Coverage for My Antiques on My Home Insurance Policy?

Most home insurance policies don't provide automatic coverage for expensive or irreplaceable items, such as art,...