Does Replacement Value Insurance Cost More Than Actual Cash Value Insurance?

When it comes to purchasing a homeowners insurance plan, policyholders are interested in finding the best coverage for the lowest possible premiums. One of the main decisions to make is whether to choose actual cash value (ACV) or replacement cost value (RCV) coverage. Real cash value (ACV), also known as market value, is the standard that insurance companies may prefer when it comes to reimbursing policyholders for their losses. The ACV is equal to the replacement cost minus any depreciation (ACV replacement cost = - depreciation).

It represents the dollar amount you could expect to receive for the item if you sold it on the market. The insurance company determines amortization based on a combination of objective criteria (using a formula that takes into account the category and age of the property) and a subjective evaluation (visual observations of the property by the insurance appraiser or a photograph of the property).The actual cash value may be a cheaper option, but it may not provide enough coverage if your personal belongings are stolen or damaged. On the other hand, RCV increases the cost of your policy, but you are likely to receive a higher payment from your insurer in case of a covered loss. For instance, if your camera is stolen, the insurance company will deduct an amount from the replacement cost for all the wear and tear it suffered before the theft. Most standard homeowners insurance policies include coverage for the actual cash value of the insured's personal assets, as well as the cost of replacing the physical structure of their home.

Some policies and endorsements also include coverage to replace damaged or destroyed personal property; however, RVC does not cover the value of the land on which your property is located. When taking this coverage option, homeowners should ask an appraiser to determine the value of their home or personal property. Insured persons receive claim checks amortized for insured items, such as electronics, furniture and other items, should an insured loss occur. In this case, the insurer will pay out an initial amount to cover part of the repair costs and then pay out a second batch once repairs have been completed. Essentially, replacement cost value coverage is an expanded version of recreational vehicle coverage, but it also covers the cost of rebuilding your home exactly as it was before any hazard, even if that cost exceeds the estimated value of your home. When deciding between ACV and RCV coverage, homeowners should consider their budget and how much they are willing to pay for their policy premiums.