What Home Insurance Doesn't Cover: A Comprehensive Guide

Homeowners insurance is a great way to protect your home and personal belongings from damage and loss. However, it's important to understand that there are certain things that your standard policy won't cover.


caused by termites and insects, birds or rodents, rust, rot, mold, and general wear and tear are not covered. Similarly, trampolines are considered a liability by most insurance companies and may not be covered at all.

Flood damage is also not covered by home insurance policies. In addition to these common exclusions, there are several other disasters and liabilities that aren't covered by home insurance. These include damage caused by earthquakes, termites, mold, normal wear and tear, and water damage caused by natural floods or rain. Homeowners insurance also doesn't cover intentional damage or loss caused by you or any member of your resident family.

If you're running a business from home, the business and its inventory won't be covered by home insurance. Poorly constructed homes may also not be covered by home insurance policies. To find out what home insurance doesn't cover, you'll need to check the “exclusions” section of your policy form. It's also important to note that some insurers will extend coverage limits for mold claims, but only if you're willing to pay a little more for your insurance.

Natural disaster coverage can have multiple levels, so it's a good idea to talk to a home insurance agent about what is and isn't covered in your policy. Finally, while homeowners insurance generally covers medical and legal expenses for dog bites, dogs with a history of bites and certain dog breeds may be excluded from the policy's liability coverage.